A Better Start Southend
Are you an ABSS family?

Expecting a child, or care for a child under 4? Find out what A Better Start Southend means for you, and how to get involved.

Local families are the heart of A Better Start, with a big say in deciding how the programme supports local children. To make sure everyone has a voice we’re offering training to help people develop the skills or confidence they need to get involved.

A Better Start Southend has joined forces with the Southend Association of Voluntary Services (SAVS) to involve the local community from the Better Start wards. Our plans include:

  • parent-led meetings so that parents can work together to identify their priorities.
  • recruiting and training parent champions to support other parents taking part in the programme.
  • developing a volunteer training programme aimed at building parents’ confidence.

If you’re interested in finding out more about what SAVS is planning; if you’ve got ideas you’d like to suggest, or you like the idea of becoming a parent champion you can contact the team at You can also sign up to get regular updates on our monthly newsletter.