The Specialist Health Visitors for Perinatal Mental Health support families in Southend during the perinatal period, from pregnancy to your child’s second birthday. They work alongside the health visiting service across the City of Southend to provide assistance with emotional adjustment to parenthood and can support mental health concerns.
If at any time antenatally through to your child’s second birthday, you feel low in mood, anxious or worried, or have other worries about your emotional health and adjustment to parenting, you can contact the Specialist Health Visitors directly or via your named Health Visitor. The team offers joint visits, group support, and links to other services including the Essex-wide Perinatal Mental Health Team, who have a more specialist service for women with moderate to severe difficulties.
For more information or to access the service, contact Jo: 07816965420, Kerry: 07977177237 or Dominique: 07866609752
NHS Talking therapies: the service can offer a range of therapies and online resources. You can self-refer or with assistance of your GP/ Health care professional.
Trust Links: a service that is run through projects across Southend and at their wellbeing community gardens in Westcliff, Shoeburyness. Kursaal and Rochford. Services include Growing Together, REACH Recovery College and Wellness Hub.
Everyone Health : a service providing healthy lifestyle and wellbeing support such as support in getting more active, weight management and social prescribing.
Southend On Sea 0-19 Public Health Service- call 01702 534911
Livewell Southend: Health Visiting
National Breastfeeding Helpline or telephone 0300 100 0212
Apps: Every Mind matters, Smiling Minds, Headspace, Calm, Kooth, The self compassion app
Something for Dads’: Fatherhood institute, Dads pad, Dads Matter, Andys Man Club