ABSS Chaos & Calm Sparkles Sensory Story Time: Session 1 (Term-Time only)
A sensory story time that includes activities, songs and Makaton signs. The sensory story is repeated for 3 weeks so children can learn and develop key early learning skills. The sessions are led by experienced SEND professionals, Chaos & Calm offers support and advice on various topics related to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). There is always time during or after the session for parents/carers to chat with the team for advice and support.
This session is most suited to pre-school aged children with disabilities who like to be on the go.
The sessions are open to families with children under 4 years of age living in Southend (and aren’t restricted to ABSS wards). Chaos & Calm invites referrals from professionals who consider that a particular family would benefit from the sessions however, families can also contact them directly via admin@chaosandcalm.org.
*Please note this session is not held during school holidays.
Booking is required for this session. To book your space email: admin@chaosandcalm.org
Contact Details
Contact the Chaos and Calm team via admin@chaosandcalm.org or for more information visit their Facebook page.