The Little Steps Health Visiting team supports young parents (aged 21 years and under expecting their first child) antenatally, up until their child turns five years of age across the City of Southend (aligned to the Healthy Child Programme).
The Little Steps Service is delivered by experienced Specialist Health Visitors and an experienced Nursery Nurse/Teenage Support Practitioner who work with young parents during their parenting journey and tailor visits and support to meet the specific needs of the family.
The Little Steps enhanced offer consists of 12 standard face to face contacts with parents, with the final visit at age 3 and a half.
The team actively encourages fathers to take part in visits and activities, as they understand that father’s involvement in the parenting support process can have significant positive impacts on mother and baby, as well as their own mental health as they navigate parenthood.
When you find out you are pregnant you will need to contact the midwifery team to start your antenatal care with the midwives.
You can do this either by filling out the Maternity Direct form or by calling the booking line on 01702 385393.
You will then be referred to The Little Steps Heath Visiting Service via the Maternity Services notification pathway who will make contact with you.
To contact the Little Steps team email: